A Wise Woman Builds Her House

Proverbs 14:1

Have you ever had a moment where you did a current evaluation of your life? You know, you list out things you’re grateful for and the areas that need improvement. I was sitting at my desk one day and I remembered hearing in my mind, “a wise woman builds her house”. I just sat there for a moment and began to say it out, “A Wise Woman Builds Her House.” I began to see everything that began to come up for me. Like the things I’ve spoken in anger, the things I’ve spoken when joyful, when tired, when joking. I realize that whatever we are holding on to in our heart will eventually come out of our mouth. 

I look at how far God has brought me from, delivered me from, healed me from and there is such a gratitude that I have when I look around. I see the importance of having an intimate relationship with God, modeling a Godly woman in the home because your children are paying attention whether you realize it or not. 

I pondered on a wise woman and what that means to me. It is a woman with experience, good judgment, discernment, Godly knowledge and wisdom. A woman marked by a deep understanding and revelation of who she is. She carries an expansive capacity, she is teachable, always learning and implementing.

It is a woman who thrives in her home, cultivating an environment for growth, happiness, and prosperity. She multiples what is in her hand that she and her family flourish. Everyday she makes a conscious choice to lay another brick continuously building up and uplifting her family. 

The verse in Proverbs, 14:1, ““Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands” has been on repeat in my heart, to know that you can choose to uplift with your words or actions or tear down. Which are you choosing?

I even reflect on it as the house representing your temple. How are you talking to yourself? Are you speaking kind words? Are you stewarding over the body God gave you? This was very insightful for me to reflect on how I am building up myself, when people mistreat or overlook, disappoint, and I assure myself that I am loved, I am cared for, I am enough, everything is working out for me regardless of the circumstances. 

I pray that this has encouraged you today, and that you meditate on this word, and see what comes up for you. How have you been showing up in your family, career, and business?