If you stay to yourself most of the time or consider yourself a homebody, I get you! I can totally relate. One of my goals is to seize more opportunities that are God sent and align with the path he has set before me. These things may be uncomfortable and outside of the scope of what I normally would do. It also allows expansion and stretching of my capacity and that is growth!
However, one thing I noticed is that healing is very much a journey. There will be different encounters and situations that will arise for you to overcome and for the residue of bitterness and resentment, pain and trauma to be uprooted and cleansed from you. How would you know if you are never in situations where you can apply the knowledge and wisdom God has given you.
There are times where I was amongst a group of people or in conversation with someone and I felt that I had to prove that they are wrong or have the last word. One thing I realize is that some people will not give up until they prove to you that they are right, and you still end up drained and hurt so you might as well keep your peace and allow them to be right in their own eyes.
Those things that cause you to fly off the handle or get angry, shut down or react, could be related to past traumatic events or things that have happened in the past that maybe you have not gotten over. Trauma itself is defined as experiences that one has encountered that is stressful, frightening or distressing and difficult to cope with or out of one’s control. So things that have been stored in the subconscious that seems remotely similar to what may be occurring in your life now will cause a rise out of you and you feel you need to protect yourself.
That’s a clear sign to get before the Father so that your soul can be cleansed and restored, healed and made whole. Your soul is made of the mind, the will, and the emotions. In fact it is the very seat of your emotions, where reflections take place, memory, consciousness. It is very important to let go, release and allow God to come into your heart to comfort and heal you.
Sometimes we can literally get in our own way and don’t realize it until we have damaged relationships, opportunities and even ourselves. A lot of how we respond and what we do and how we handle things come from our experiences and if most of those experiences have been traumatic then are you really responding as the person God created you to be. This is a great area of reflection. Ask yourself. Journal it out, if you need a journal, click here: https://amzn.to/4imgHSA
I’m reminded of the verse in Jeremiah 29:13, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”
When you call unto God, know that He already has the answer for you. When you seek him with all your heart, when you go to Him as a Father, you will receive instruction, help, love, wisdom and understanding of what areas you need to surrender, what is afflicting you and how to overcome. He knows what is best for us and He wants the best for you
Tips to to help you on our journey:
Pour It Out To God: That could be through a journal, prayer or worship. Talk to him, open your heart to him, release those painful experiences, traumatic issues, and resentment and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you. Those empty places, the voids that may be filled with things of this world. Empty yourself and allow God to fill you. Repent of those things that you have held on to out of protection for yourself and ask God to cleanse you.
See Your Life Through The Lens of God: Be grateful for the things that you have, the relationships that are in your life. Those people who love and care for you. Your children, the things that God has given you to steward over.
Meditate On The Word: Remind yourself of God’s promises towards you, His faithfulness, His unfailing love, His comfort, His grace. Think upon those things and meditate on them.
Have A Calm Spirit: Be slow to speak and quick to listen. I’m still learning this, when you are more reflective and you listen before you speak you are able to perceive more. People tend to speak from their experiences and oftentimes you can even tell what is afflicting them, but if you are so quick to speak on your take, and what you think should have happened, you miss the opportunity to actually help them navigate their issue or bring on a better perspective.
Love On Yourself: Take note of those moments where you stepped outside of who you are at your core and ask yourself, Why did I do that? Where is this coming from? Get to the root of it, take note and learn from it.
I hope that this has encouraged you today. Be blessed!