I do know that some days come with ups and downs. Some days, I want to sleep in, some days, I feel energized to go out and explore the town, garden, shop, or even just enjoy my surroundings.
We know what it feels like to be bombarded with thoughts or perceptions whether it be from yourself, the environment or even other people. I think the big Ah Ha! for me, was when I realized the way I’m feeling affects my nervous system, which then affects my environment and the people around me; I knew that it would take the help and strength of God.
I began to really ask God how can this be regulated, how can I break out of the constant ups and downs, the mood swings, the impulsive thoughts that float around my mind all day and it was downloaded to “cultivate your garden”. I prayed on it and meditated on it, and to cultivate is to nurture, to improve through a process of self discipline, and when you think of a garden, it is a place of growth, creativity, discovery, appreciation, love, an abundance that God gives to us.
Yes, I cried right there! I began to realize that it is so important to love who you are, even the areas that people may not understand or you would consider weak. Know that where there is weakness, there is also the strength of God when you yield it to him.
I’m reminded of the verse in Psalm 104:14, “He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth.”
God created even the very earth to yield forth harvest, to yield to nurture, provide for sustainment. Just as God causes the earth to produce for cultivation, He can do the same within you, within your heart and your mind.
Here Are A Few Gentle Reminders On Your Journey:
Remain steadfast, continuously building up yourself and others around you.(James 5:11 KJV)
Learn how to focus on things that are honest, pure, just and of good report, meditate on these things. (Philipians 4:8 KJV)
Be more present, enjoying the friends and family that love and care for you, that support you. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Fill your cup with things that bring forth life and vitality and newness. (John 10:10)
Ask that God uproots you out of environments that are not conducive to your healing, development and growth. (Galatians 5:1)
Be bold, have faith, and go after those things that you have prayed for. (Joshua 1:9)
I really hope that this has blessed you! What ways are you cultivating your garden? Write it out and see what comes up for you. Be Blessed!